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Support the Friends of the Brooklyn State Wildlife Area
Are you interested in helping to preserve this unique and beautiful native landscape?
- You can contribute your time and talent by becoming involved in volunteer activities.
- You can also help fund our volunteer and outreach projects. Your contribution - in any amount - is vitally important to the work we do to protect and preserve the Brooklyn State Wildlife Area. The Friends of the Brooklyn State Wildlife Area is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your financial contribution is fully tax deductible under IRS rules and regulations.
To Give by mail: Please, print and complete the donation form and mail it, together with your check, to the address listed at the top of the form.
Thank You for your volunteer and financial assistance - we will make efficient use of all contributions.
Dane County Environmental Council Grant
The Friends of the Brooklyn State Wild Life Area sincerely thank and acknowledge the following for matching donations for our new DR Field and Brush Mower. This mower was obtained through a greatly appreciated grant from the Dane County Environmental Council in the spring of 2017. The mower has been very busy mowing DNR and IAT trails along with cutting down large patched of invasives to save some of the manual labor for our volunteers.
- Dan Simon
- Max and Shelly Lagally
Individual Donors
2018 Donors
- Bob H.
- Anonymous - Safety Electronics
- Dan W. in honor of Brian H. and family
- Anonymous in honor of Dan's XX birthday ( Dan thanks this donor for reminding him that he is older, and hopefully wiser)
2019 Donors
- Madeline U.
- Bonnie W.
- Phil and Sandra F.
- Brian H.
- Esther and Wes
2020 - 2022 Donors
- Anonymous 1
- Anonymous 2
- Barb - in honor of Dan
- Bill seeds
- Bob
- Brian - professional assistance ( not psychiatry )
- Esther and Wes - transportation
- Karen - in honor of Richard
- Ken and Laura - seeds
- Lucy
- Madeline - in honor of John and Anke
- Max and Shelley - seeds and donations
- Mike and Nancy
- Phil and Sandy
- Rosalie
Business Support
A special Thank You to businesses who have helped make our work possible:
- Fiskars for quality weeding and cutting tools,
- Clasen's European Bakery for fine confections that fuel our volunteers.
- The Hubbard Avenue Diner for excellent pies